
Encona: Original Hot Pepper Sauce

£1 Sainsbury's (220 ml)

Does your mate always bang on about how they ate the spiciest vindaloo no problem at The Raj? How they ate 10 ghost chilli's in Peru on their gap year? How they find Nando's extra hot sauce to be just as spicy as the lemon one? Yet everytime you meet them for curry and cobras they are just ordering a korma or a passanda as it 'just pairs so nicely' with Indian lager? If you're fed up of their BS then call them out using Encona's Original: this sauce a true litmus test for separating the proverbial spice men from the proverbial spice boys.

Encona's MVP sauce has great flavour that is fundamentally built upon a fiery scaffolding. It is slightly runny (take care pouring!) but has a good enough viscosity to cling to a chip. Additionally, if you are looking to move onto the harder spices then Encona is a great gateway sauce. It rewards those who persist and you will find you do develop a strong enough tolerance to it that you start drowning all manner of substances in the Original. Indeed, some mornings I wake up and spread it all over my buttered toast - damn the kick is good.

Verdict: A taste to blow you away